Publications and preprints
Microscopy & Microanalysis, USA
Talk: Tools for ice thicknesses
Three Dimensional Electron Microscopy, Gordon Research Conference, Spain.
Poster: Improving ice thickness workflows
Three Dimensional Electron Microscopy, Gordon Research Conference, USA.
Poster: Testing and implementing a live processing workflow at the New York Structural Biology Center.
Microscopy & Microanalysis, Virtual
Poster: Testing and implementing a live processing workflow at the New York Structural Biology Center.
Integrative Structural Biology Symposium, Malaysia Genome Institute, Malaysia
Talk: Advances in phase plate cryo-EM imaging of DNA and nucleosomes.
NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute, Singapore
Workshop participant.
Data processing with SIMPLE 3.0, EMAN 2.2, and SCIPION, Monash University, Australia.
Workshop participant.
Current Challenges in Integrated Structural Biology, IGBMC, France.
Poster & Talk: High resolution reconstruction of the nucleosome core particle by phase-plate cryo-EM.
Chromatin Mechanisms and Cell Physiology, Keystone Symposia, Germany.
Poster & Talk: Nucleosomal DNA sequence-dependent properties and targeting by novel platinum-intercalator species.
Nanyang Technological University Graduate Student Retreat, Singapore.
Talk: DNA sequence-dependent behavior in the nucleosome.
Reviewing research articles for Nature Methods, Structure, and Communications Biology, 2021-present.
Science Communication
Event Manager for Pint of Science London, 2020, communicating science in an accessible manner to the general public.
Booth Organizer at Imperial Lates 2019 “Winter Wonderlab”, showcasing cryo-EM research at Imperial College London to the general public.
Teaching and Mentorship
Liu L, Masters student, Imperial College London, 2019.
Kishore S, Lim JC, Tan SYY, Tan SYE, Shum KW, Undergraduate Honors students, Nanyang Technological University, 2010-2014.
Teaching assistant at Nanyang Technological University for biochemistry, biophysics, cell biology, structural biology, 2010-2014.